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Sign up for Pillsbury’s FREE emails to receive up to $250 in yearly coupons, access to free product samples (quantities limited, one per member) and the easiest recipes sent right to your inbox. Be sure to sign up now and start watching your email inbox for monthly offers and coupons. Free sample quantities are limited so open your email as soon as you get it to claim. Enjoy!
Note: This post is sponsored by General Mills. But all opinions are my own.
I receive e-mails but I never know which ones have free samples and every time I have looked I never see anything in the e-mail offering samples. Is there any way to tell which emails contain the samples and where is it located within the email?
Unfortunately no, it’s just going to be at the very bottom of your email from them. So, when you check them make sure you scroll down to the bottom of your email.
I,too, have never received anything ever! I wrote them (Pillsbury) four weeks ago to complain and tell them what I think, and all they said was “you have to read the bottom of the email to see when we offer full size samples”. What a load of crap. I read the bottom all month, and I’ve read it before that, and not once have I been offered anything! I unsubscribed from them yesterday and I’m done with their lies and scams! Very irritating!
I usually post when there is a free sample that pops up in their email 🙂 there was just one today for the first 10,000 people.
I quit this site a long time ago. They only want our money. Stingy !
i need help on that site maybe i am missing something i dont know but I dont get emails about samples.
I never gt anything and i am always checking it constantly 🙁
I just got an email today telling me to reserve my sample. Yet idk where to find it on pillsburys website.
Ladies you are not alone. I just tried and I was not qualified. What makes someone “qualified?”
You are not alone at all. What DOES make someone qualified? I haven’t gotten a free sample yet.
There was a free sample that they sent out in their newsletter about a week ago! I posted it on the site 🙂
I never get the samples either…when I do see one somewhere other then in an email..I never qualify or too late or none left..jeez.
I think I am the other person cause I NEVER GET ANYTHING
Am I the only one not getting these samples you talk about. ..