• 15 Fun and Easy April Fools Pranks đŸ€Ș


    April Fools Day

    Happy April Fools’ Day! Do you love to prank friends and family? I would love to know your favorite jokes, pranks, and practical jokes in the comments. Here are a few fun and easy April Fool’s pranks for you to try today. See more money saving tips here.

    1. Oreo Cookie Monster

    Toothpaste Oreo Cookie Prank

    This Oreo Cookie trick is so easy to make! Remove the tops and filling of the cookies with a knife and put a little toothpaste in the center of the cookie. Put the top back on and it looks like a regular Oreo cookie 😆

    2. Toothpaste Swap

    Toothpaste Prank

    Speaking of toothpaste… On the morning of April 1st hand your kiddo a toothbrush with icing on top or cream cheese. That sounds like a yummy surprise 😂

    3. Sweet (or Salty) Surprise

    Sugar or Salt Prank

    The oldest and easiest trick in the book is to swap sugar with salt and watch your prank recipient prep their morning coffee. For a coffee lover and somebody who is not a morning person, this prank might be considered very cruel so make sure you have extra coffee on hand to redeem yourself.

    4. Yummy Nutella Prank

    Nuttella Prank

    I’ve seen this one on TikTok a lot with toddlers. Pretend that you’re going to the bathroom and call your kid asking for toilet paper. When they come in to hand it to you, smear some Nutella or melted chocolate on their hands or arms, and see their reaction. đŸ’©

    5. Healthy Chocolate Eggs

    Small Chocolate Eggs Prank

    Just in time for Easter! Switch out the wrappers of small chocolate eggs and place them over grapes instead. Healthier snack option! 😉

    6. Fake Bugs Always Work

    Fake Bugs Prank

    Tape fake bugs or insects inside a lampshade and ask your family member or friend to turn the lights on.

    7. Frozen Cereal

    Frozen Cereal Prank

    The night before April 1st, pour cereal into a freezer-safe bowl, then add milk. You may cover it with saran wrap to avoid spills if you want and place it in the freezer overnight. The next morning, hand your kids the cereal bowl and watch them try to dig into it.

    8. Work Prank

    Work Prank

    Take a screenshot of your coworker or friend’s computer and leave the picture up so that they can’t figure out why nothing on their desktop is opening.

    9. Message In a Bottle? More Like on The Back

    Note on Back Prank

    Another classic prank idea – Pat someone on the back while leaving behind a sticky note! It usually takes a long time before your prank recipient figures it out. But be nice with your note! 😂

    10. 👀 Who’s Watching?

    Googly Eyes Prank

    Buy some googly eyes and decorate every item in your fridge with them. You will have lots of items looking right back at your prank recipient. 

    11. Different Kinds of Pop-It

    Bubble Wrap Prank

    Grab some bubble wrap and place it underneath a rug in your house. Whoever walks on the rug next will jump at the sound of the bubbles popping under their feet. 

    12. I Just Won The Lottery

    Lottery Prank

    Give out fake scratch-offs that will claim they won $20,000! You can find 8 packs on Amazon.

    13. Don’t do this on a Foodie!

    Missing Food Order Prank

    Order takeout, and when you receive the meal, hide your friend’s or family member’s order. Tell them it’s missing and watch their reaction. But please don’t do this to a PMS hangry woman if you are not ready to face the consequences. 😆

    14. Can you hear me now?

    Video Call Prank

    During a video chat, pretend you’re telling an exciting story with your lips moving and giving animated expressions and gestures with your microphone muted and in chat convince them that their phone is the problem and not yours.

    15. Brown Es Of Course

    Cut several “E”s out of brown construction paper, put them in a pan, and cover it with foil. Tell everyone you’ve made brownies, watch them run to the kitchen and let them lift the foil. It’s a classic prank so older kids might know it but it should work on small kids. Just make sure you have real brownie on hand in case somebody is really disappointed.

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    1. 1

      When I was a little girl, ( a LONG time ago..60 years!!) I switched the sugar in the sugar Bowl for salt in time for my brother. He was always so mean to me, it was fun getting him back. He put a lot of sugar on his cereal, and that day was no different. My parents were mad because I wasted all that milk and sugar. It was worth it. He’s still awful to me.

    2. 0

      I wish I would have read these earlier ! So many good ones! 😆

    3. -1
      marlishatakese :

      I’ve done mashed potato sundae, frozen cereal, and toothpaste in Oreos. So funny. My best one has been superglue coins on the porch

    4. -2

      I haven’t heard of the toothpaste swap! That is too funny! Can always pull a night prank!

    5. -3

      I did the frozen cereal one this morning. đŸ€Ł Kids were like, what is this!

    6. -4

      I put a melted Baby Ruth on the back of the toilet seat lol, looks like somebody missed the mark

    7. -5

      Isn’t April Fool’s day today?

    8. -6

      My son just did the googling eyes 😂😂

    9. -7

      family love tang? well take u a pack of the dry powder Mac n cheese pack of cheese and mix w water in a pitcher. stir it all up put some ice cubes in at the end and watch your family about vomit as they slug down the Mac n cheese tang juice! lol

    10. -8

      take a empty toilet paper roll wet it shape it like poo đŸ’© stick it to the top of toilet seat or side of toilet listen for it as your loved ones gross out up on entering the bathroom lol.

    11. Page 1 of 212

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