• Had to post this because it was just so random, impractical and made me crack up


    Do people with chickens actually put them on leashes? If you got chickens and want to walk with them, hear ya go. Didn’t know a product like this was on the market.

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  • 19 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      I’ve never seen a leash on anything but a dog or cat or horse , goat , or cow that’s funny 😆

    2. 0

      I went to a Halloween event at the local high school with my son and there was a family with a goat, so hell ya— anything is possible!

    3. -1

      Oh my gosh that is so cute when I was little I had a few chickens in our coop that would follow me and eat grain out of my hand I nicknamed them sticky feet because they are the type that actually has feathers on their feet

    4. -2

      Growing up we used to have chickens and I used to lay the rooster down on it’s backs to sleep and it would close it’s eyes lol I’m glad this post made it through the review, well worth it 👍🏻

    5. -3

      now I have seen everything! who knew 🤣🤣🤣

    6. -4

      awww, cute! I had a leash for my bearded dragon, but it was mostly for show. I’ve never seen chickens in diapers or on leashes though 😂

    7. -5


    8. -6

      😂😂 this gave me a good laugh.

      • -6.1

        Me too! Hence why I posted. Hey, someone might actually be in the market for something like this! Who knows. Additionally humorous is there are MULTIPLE types and designs of chicken/rooster leashes sold on Amazon

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