On sale for $2.97 each. Limit 4 total.
Pick three 14 oz cartons and a box of bars for $11.88 ($2.97 x 4)
–$4.50 Ibotta ($1.50 each for cartons)
–$2 Ibotta for bars
–$7.80 Shopkick for cartons (1,950 kicks)
–$1.30 Shopkick for bars (325 kicks)
= FREE + $3.72MM
You can get any combination of cartons and bars for FREE
$2.97 for cartons
–$1.50 Ibotta
–$2.60 Shopkick
=FREE + $1.13 MM each
$2.97 for bars
–$2 Ibotta
–$1.30 Shopkick
= FREE + $0.33 MM each
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