• FREE Saucony Shoes!

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    Sauconi Running Shoes

    RUN RUN RUN! Right now, run to Saucony Shoes where you can find select men’s and women’s shoes for free, you just have to pay $5 shipping! Please note that select sizes on select shoes are free, so you have to dig into it. Sizes are selling out like hotcakes, so don’t miss out!

    *Please note that this might be a glitch in their system, so they might not ship out all orders, but it’s worth a try!

    FREE Saucony Shoes 1

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    Join 120 Comments Here More Deals on Shoes
    120 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      Not sending email confirmations, not a good sign.

    2. 0

      Hey Guys..thanks for this deal..but is this legit or scam website..You could look up n it comes as scam website..

      • 0.1
        Virginia (Free Stuff Finder) :

        Hi there! This was an offer posted on the official Saucony site. I assure you it’s not a scam. However, this might have been a glitch in their system and it looks like they fixed it now so the post ahas been marked as expired. Hope this explains it!

    3. -1

      RUN DON’T WALK!!! Its legit!! I ordered 10 pair covered all 3 of my son’s, myself, my husband, and my father and I only paid $5 for S&H on an order that was over $1k I shared the link with my niece, sister and cousin they all bought 6 pairs themselves and paid just $5
      You have to sort through all of the sneakers they have…ALL… because there’s a lot that are sold out or just sold out in a specific size.

    4. -2

      Never mind about my comment! I found them!
      Thanks so much! : )

    5. -3

      This is incredible!!

    6. -4

      Hi! Is there a special place to look for these? I’m unable to find any for free with the $5 shipping.
      Thank you so much!

    7. -5

      Snagged 12 pairs😌😌🙈

    8. -6

      Worth a try…😃

    9. -7

      Thanks. I ordered but didn’t get confirmation email.

      • -7.1
        Virginia (Free Stuff Finder) :

        Hi there! As this might have been a glitch, they might not ship out all orders. Fingers crossed you get yours!

    10. -8

      Thanks i just ordered three pairs all for $5!:):)

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