Thanks for posting this deal Bsth52 & Olivia!
I decided to not be lazy and I went to pick up these peatos! I’ve never tried them but since you can get back 1.50 from Ibotta and 1.50 from Ralph’s I decided why not 😹. I hope I don’t have any issues with Ralph’s cash back. I feel like I’ve contact customer services too many times already 😭.
Contact them a couple times without calling. Got $10 each time. If the offer disappeared from your clipped list. It should be fine for you.
Going to try and grab some later after work
I hear you about Ralph’s Customer Service. Looks like I won’t have to call this time. It went through because it’s no longer under my Cash Back list. 🙌
If I had an issue with the Kroger app not crediting, I’d message their support chat box and the website, and they could give me credit that way if you ever need it! They own Ralph’s so I imagine it’s similar
Ive messaged in their app once and once though email. I feel like they’re going to get so annoyed of me 🤣🤣 but I need my cash back! Lol
I messaged through the Kroger app and it was so unhelpful. They just told me to call their customer support # and I don’t have all day to wait on the phone. 💀 the guys on the live chat support were able to add a credit to my account, so I was happy!