Those recipes are worth money. With all those holiday shoppings you can earn points scanning your recipes. Really simple you download the app called “ Fetch Rewards “ then you create an account and start scanning all those recipes. It can be from any store it doesn’t matter. When you accumulate enough points you can choose to either get a gift card from the retail stores they provide or a visa gift card. What I love about this app it’s that you can also link your email and Amazon account to it so you can also get points from those online orders. You can also boost up your score by sharing your code with another person new to the app and you both receive the points. I didn’t know about this until my sister told me about it. You guys should definitely give it a try and see for yourselves. If you have any questions about it just ask I’m not a professional but I can try and help you out.
if u guys use my code will both get points !
I scanned so many receipts today. I learned about this app so late
Me too but it’s never too late. Make sure you link your Amazon account and your email to get points for your online purchases. It does t do it automatically so make sure you remember to do it each time you make a online purchase. 😊
I love fetch
Yes it’s amazing 😁
absolutely, a few mins ago I racked in enough points for a 3 dollar dunkin card, which I will be using for tomorrows BOGO espresso deal. 🥰
enough to get a medium drink!
Definitely, this is why I love this app.
OMG, I totally forgot about this!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!
My pleasure , glad I could help. 😁