Came across this gem while looking for facial lotions for sensitive skin. This literally took me under a minute to apply for. no sign-ups, no credit cards, just your name email and address for shipping, (5-10) business days, also free. Hope someone can benefit from this like I did.
In order to receive free shipping, you MUST either request it using a desktop, or make sure your cell is set to DESKTOP MODE which you can find under settings>safari>request desktop mode. If you use desktop mode or a computer your shipping will be FREE! I just received it free using my cell phones on desktop mode. Be sure to change your safari settings ( or whatever browser you use) back from desktop mode when you are finished requesting the sample. Good luck ladies!!
It showed $6 shipping for me also so I googled ‘riversol free sample free shipping’ & went back to the website through a link there & then I got it with the free shipping. I’m not sure why because both that link & yours brought me to the same page. 🤷
Thanks Jenny!
hi I saw your your comment and went back onto the reversol site I don’t know why they were trying to charge you $6 shipping? I started reading and it does state that they do cover the shipping charge for the 15-day trial. I did not have to do much but click on the 15-day trial answered what type of skin I had and a few questions put my information and address in and my order was confirmed in less than a minute. I did not have to put anything in a cart or go through any shipping process. if I find anything out that can help I will post it.
Shipping is now $6