Kids Frolics sleeping bags at HomeGoods…these are so awesome and soft!I bought one for my 6 year old last year and she slept with it in her bed cause it’s so soft!The cheapest I have found these online was $99.99 on Amazon and I have seen them going for 130.00 and up….scored four this year for my daughter,yes another 🙂 , and my 3 nephews!only 34.99 each!and only have I found them During the Christmas holiday season otherwise prices are outrageous even at Costco.I got the last shark one too!love this brand!such great quality and great for sleep overs…they Velcro up so easily for travel or storage!im soooo excited to see all 4 of the kids zipped up in these this year!hope this puts me in the running for a prize.never tried entering but if not thank you tina because I love this app and have scored a ton of great deals on here with Victoria’s Secret and just this a.m. laundry detergent pick up haul for under 18.00 at Walgreens
with my ten dollar on line discount!!!thank you!love this app!!!
OMG these are too cute! 💕
How cool thank u might grab a few the girls would love this