After I submitted my order at Wags I went to go pick it up so they said they had 4 not 5 it messed up my order. One mgr was being crappy the other one was being fair so I dealt with the fair mgr. Anyway, I had to return the old order and the new one want working our. My fair mgr gave me the points missing plus 5.00 off for pick up order which she did price modify. It worked out in the end because I got a 5.00 coupon off my next personal care shopping trip. it’s in the second pic. While I was in the store wags was taken the two promotions down from their site.
Save your screenshot always! Saved my butt so many times!
Glad you were able to deal with the fair manager. I recently had a terrible experience at cvs and I’m tempted to just boycott the store and stick with Walgreens where there give lovely photo promotions around the holidays (at least during the pandemic)
That won’t do much to their bottom line it’d just be smarter to just go when you have a really good deal
Aww well im glad it worked out