• Coupons


    2796151 image 1

    I took your tip on coupons and sent emails to any food company I could think of and over the last 2 months these are the coupons they sent (several were for free items).

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  • 14 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      I’ve done this a couple of times before and NEVER EVER received any coupons!!!! They refused to send them. I would always get “we post coupons in Sunday papers “ or “You can find our coupons from time to time on coupons.com”. I still couldn’t figure out what i was doing wrong.

    2. 0

      Chobani is the best for coupons.

    3. -1

      Thank you

    4. -2
      Virginia (Free Stuff Finder) :

      Awesome! Can’t wait to hear about the deals you’ll be scoring with these coupons đŸ„ł

    5. -3

      What did you do? Did you ask for coupons? How did you go about it?

      • -3.1

        I go on Google and for example typed in Tombstone Pizza and then clicked on their website and went to the “contact us” section which is usually at the bottom of their website and I filled in the email sections and under comment I would tell them how much I liked their pizza and asked if they could send me a few coupons and pretty much every business responds with either a yes, we will send coupons or no, we don’t send coupons. And some will respond with a printable coupon in their response. Always compliment their product or tell a quick story about how your family loves the product. Hope this helps.

    6. -4

      Oh wow!

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