If you purchased Coffee Mate Powder Creamer Products from this list between January 1st, 2017 and December 8th, 2022, then you may be eligible to grab a part of the Nestle Coffee-Mate Class Action Settlement Payment. The lawsuit stated that Nestle misrepresented the number of servings when consumers follow the “Serving Size” instructions on the label.
What Can You Claim in The Coffee Mate Settlement?
Nestle did not accept any wrongdoing, however, they agreed to settle for $10 Million in order to avoid expenses, court fees, and disruption to the business. You can claim a minimum of $0.50 up to $5 if no proof of purchase. In addition, if you have proof of purchase, then you can get up to 30% price paid per unit purchased, up to a maximum of $40 per household.
When is the Deadline to Apply for the Nestle Settlement?
Claim forms must be submitted through today, March 14th only. All you have to do is go here, click “submit a claim” (or click “registration form” if you don’t have a Class Member ID), and fill in all the required information. Check out all the settlement details here!
Coffee Mate Class Action Settlement Flavors
If you bought any of these flavors between January 1st, 2017 and December 8th, 2022, then you may be eligible for the Coffee Mate Creamer Class Action Settlement. Click here for the complete list of Coffee-Mate Powder Creamer products that are covered.
- Caramel and Coconut
- Pumpkin Spice
- Peppermint Mocha
- Vanilla Latte
- Vanilla Caramel
- Vanilla Caramel Sugar-Free
- Original Fat-Free
- Original
- Hazelnut
- Hazelnut Sugar-Free
- French Vanilla
- French Vanilla Sugar-Free
- Creamy Chocolate
- Creamy Chocolate Sugar-Free
- Caramel Latte
- Caramel and Coconut
More Settlements Happening Now:
Wow thank you, I submitted my claim
You’re most welcome!
I just pit in a claim for ATT. 🤗
Wow we use this for along time just submitted
Ty I did have ATT and payed way to much for way to long
You’re welcome!
How long does it take to receive a payment after you submit a claim?
Hey Dorian! I’m not really sure either. But according to the Settlement page, the final approval hearing is scheduled on March 9, 2023. I suggest checking the website on that date for updates. If the Court approved the Settlement, there should also be info about how long you should receive your claim. Hope this is helpful!
Thank you. I was wondering the same thing.
I have recent proof of purchases but no old ones.. i have 100 or more containers i save them.
So sad! We drink this all the time. Will submit my claim soon. Looking for receipts. Thank you for sharing
You’re welcome!
Thank you!
You’re welcome!
Thank you! I submitted my claim! I drink this all the time!
You’re most welcome!