Hurry over at Organic Aromas, where you can snag a Lavender Essential Oil for free! Simply head over here, fill out the short form to sign up, and receive a freebie. This is a 10ml sample. To make this deal even sweeter, shipping is free! Don’t miss out – grab your free lavender essential oil now!
Love Free Samples by mail? Click here to see all current Free Sample offers. And if you want some tips on how to score Free Samples, watch my video here.
The company that made the samples does not sell their products in the United States. I asked for a sample anyway. I did find and visit their website. The store has pretty good prices on essential oils.
Ordered, I hope to receive it. Thank you!!
You’re welcome Darlene!
I placed my order! Such an awesome deal, thank you!
You’re welcome Alyssa! Can’t wait to hear how you like it!
it’s not working for me
Can you try from a desktop browser? I just did and it worked for me that way.
it worked! thank you
Yaay! Most welcome!
Ordered. Thank you so much! 💜🥰
You’re so welcome!
Done! Thank you!
You’re so welcome!
Yay! You’re so welcome!