For a limited time, head over to Eddie Bauer where you can score 40% off clearance on women’s pullovers! As an example, this Quest Plush 2.0 Zip is normally sold for $75 but is now on sale for $59.99. Plus, if you use promo code SNOWY40 at checkout, the price will drop to just $35.99! There are three available colors to choose from. Get free shipping on orders over $75 or if you sign up for Adventure Rewards you will get it on $50 orders. Check out some deals we listed below or you can browse the entire sale here!
Eddie Bauer Women’s Pullover $35
Eddie Bauer Quest Plush 2.0 Zip – Print $59.99 (Reg $75)
(available in 3 colors)
Use promo code SNOWY40 (extra 40% off clearance)
JUST $35.99 (Reg $75)
Check out these deals too:
Eddie Bauer Resolution Long-Sleeve Zip $49.99 (Reg $70)
(available in cantaloupe & yellow color)
Use promo code SNOWY40 (extra 40% off clearance)
JUST $29.99 (Reg $70)
Eddie Bauer Motion Cozy Camp Zip $54.99 (Reg $70)
(available in 3 colors)
Use promo code SNOWY40 (extra 40% off clearance)
JUST $32.99 (Reg $70)
Eddie Bauer Quest Plush 2.0 Zip $54.99 (Reg $70)
(available in 5 color)
Use promo code SNOWY40 (extra 40% off clearance)
JUST $32.99 (Reg $70)
Eddie Bauer Myriad V-Neck Pocket Tank $24.99 (Reg $35)
(available in 3 colors)
Use promo code SNOWY40 (extra 40% off)
ONLY $14.99 (Reg $35)
Eddie Bauer Men’s Cotton Short-Sleeve Slim T-Shirt $21.99 (Reg $28)
(available in 2 colors)
Use promo code SNOWY40 (extra 40% off)
ONLY $13.19 (Reg $28)
I have one of their pullovers, it’s amazing fabric and comfort wise! Highly recommend! Love this deal!