• *FREE* coupon to BBW


    Hello everyone! I found this coupon @ home, and I will not be using it…..so feel free to use it to redeem a **$8 vanilla bean Noel or winter candy apple body care item** @ bath & body work.
    It’s a 1 time use, so please make sure to comment that you used it so others know too

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  • 10 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      Thanks for the information. I will try the suggestions. Love their Candles 🕯

    2. 0

      Hey all, I work at BBW and this is totally useable but it can only be used ONCE. Just an FYI.

    3. -1

      I tried posting something similar to this but Tina rejected the post… 😒 but I hope someone gets the deal! I never use these cuz right after Christmas it all goes on sale

    4. -2

      So sweet of u to share

    5. -3

      I have signed up to receive mailed coupons a while ago and haven’t received any? 🤷‍♀️

      • -3.1

        I did too🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

      • -3.2

        So BBW is weird about coupons. Their system is totally jacked up. We don’t know why but even if you’ve signed up for emails and mailings you may not get them. For example, I used to get the mailings but I haven’t since we came back from quarantine. However, before the quarantine I didn’t always get the emails now I get them regularly. My manager hasn’t gotten any emails. It makes no sense!
        There are two things you can do to help: 1) Sign up online again.
        2) Call the 1-800 number on the website for customer relations and tell them your issue. They might be able to help.
        Sorry that wasn’t more helpful.

      • -3.3

        You have to put your address as well I was having the same problem then I put in my address and yesterday I received 20% off and a free gift that’s 7.50 value

    6. -4

      No way! That’s awesome 🙂

    7. -5

      Thank you

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