• Double star day tomorrow 4/14


    Heads up that tomorrow 4/14 is double star day

    Here’s some pointers to maximize your savings!
    If there’s one thing I’ve mastered at Starbucks (in my opinion) is the rewards system!
    •Always pay by loading money onto a Starbucks card in the app so you earn 2pts/$1 instead of 1.
    •Stack offers, especially if it lines up on a double star day! For example: If you have a spend $10 bonus and a buy a latte & refresher bonus, you can earn points on both within the same transaction. •Instead of redeeming at the 25, 50, 150, 200 level (where it’ll save you $.50-7) I redeem 400 for a new cup! You get up to $20 off any cups. This is the best value of using your stars to get the largest benefit. Obviously do what’s best for YOU, but I find these to be great gifts & I earn stars like butter so my points accumulate quickly

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  • 9 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      Thank you! ☕️

    2. 0

      Thanks for the tips!

    3. -1

      Can you explain the 400 points part more?? This is very helpful! Idk how to use mine efficiently. What do you do what you have a few stars expiring?

      • -1.1

        I usually don’t have stars expire on me because I go to Starbucks frequently. If I have stars expiring- i will use them even if it’s 25 for a milk substitute so at least they don’t go to waste! Better to save $.50 than nothing at all 😊

      • -1.2

        Yes! So at 400 stars you can get $20 off merchandise and bagged coffee. So if the item itself is $17, it’s completely free! A lot of times I get the bigger reusable cups but I get $20 off so I only end up paying about $5. If you have the app it will tell you what items are 400 star eligible. If you use the full $20 when you redeem- it’s about double the “star value” than the smaller redemptions. 😊 let me know if there’s anything in specific that you need clarification on!

    4. -2

      Cool thank you!

    5. -3

      Thank you !!!💜💜

    6. -4

      This is so useful! Thanks a lot for sharing! 🙏🌟🌟

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