• $20 Sprouts haul — .39 cents Stonyfield


    at Sprouts

    Everything was on crazy clearance as always. If there was no sprouts in my life, I’d be broke lol.

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    1. 1
      Helen (Free Stuff Finder) :

      Amazing!! Killed it 😍🤗

    2. 0

      Your Sprouts’ price are awesome! I’m jelly! Lol

    3. -1

      My sprouts doesn’t have clearance 😔

      • -1.1

        What do they do with discontinued or close to BB date products? Throw them out, donate to food banks? Ask them.

        • They throw them away. And no clearance in my store either. I personally watched a worker going through veggie isles and throwing barely wilted or spoiled food into the garbage bin.

          • Wow!!! Why would they want to do it??? Stores should generate profit, not throw stuff out! Those veggies are good at least a week after BB! Wow!

            • Yes. There was a story some years ago talking about stories like Walmart and some others that will even cut up clothes before throwing them away so nobody can use them. There was a huge backlash from it. But, what do we know how they do their business. Maybe there are some legal limitations that prevent them from doing something different. I am not sure about limits in CA, but I rarely see hugely discounted food in stores if at all.

            • I work next to a Publix and I drive through the back of the Publix every day to park at my office. Every morning, a local farmer comes to pick up all of the non-sellable produce (bags of “wilted” greens, watermelon rinds, expired foods, etc) and he takes the food to be fed to his hogs and cattle. Those farm animals eat better than some people. At least they aren’t throwing it away and it’s being used for agriculture. It is crazy though that as a society, we are not very sustainable, in general.

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