• FREE Apple Watch Screen Replacement

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    Take advantage of this FREE Apple Watch Screen Replacement offer over at Apple! They’ve determined that there is a possibility for a crack to form around the edges of the aluminum models of Apple Watch Series 2 and 3 (like in the pic below). The watches purchased in the last 3 years or one year from the date of this program are covered.

    With that being said, they decided to replace the screen on eligible watches that show this type of crack for FREE! Identify your Apple Watch here, and see if you are eligible.

    When you apply for this offer, your device will be sent to an Apple Repair Center, examined prior to any service to verify if it is eligible for the offer. It will be returned within 5 business days.

    If you already had any damages, you’ll have to fix those first, and in some cases, there may be a cost associated with the repair.

    Here Is What You Should Do:

    • Find an Apple Authorized Service Provider,
    • Make an appointment,
    • Contact Apple Support to arrange mail-in service
    • Review how to prepare your Watch for the service before you send it – here

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    Join 107 Comments Here More Apple Watch
    107 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      You’re gonna buy it for me the Apple Watch

    2. 0

      Can I have it for Apple Watch?

    3. -1

      Can I have it

      • -1.1
        Jasmine (Free Stuff Finder) :

        Hi there, deals are posted on the blog to help everyone score items. If you would like to take advantage of this deal you will have to request from the retailer. You can find detailed instructions on how to get this deal in the post. Hope this explains it!

    4. -2

      I just had my cracked screen d fixed about a month ago!!! And, what was shady a result from the crack, the screen is nearly half unresponsive to the touch – in other words, basically useless for any features that one would say are the point to owning an Apple Watch. Do you think I can so qualify? Should I get paperwork from the ones who fixed the bcrack (not apple certified) should I even say anything at all about the crack being fixed already by the “other” folk? 

      • -2.1
        Jasmine (Free Stuff Finder) :

        Oh no! So sorry to hear about what happened Ashley. And as for your question, I am not entirely sure either. According to the article Apple posted, this offer is only available for select Apple Watch models that showed a type of crack as the picture above. But I would suggest reaching out to their Customer Service to ask and confirm. I’m sure they’d be able to help and give you a clear answer.

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