For a limited time, head over to Eddie Bauer and check out their sale on Women’s Jackets. As part of the sale, we spotted this Women’s Quest Fleece Full-Zip Jacket on sale for only $28 – regularly priced at $70! There are two available colors that you can choose from. Shipping is free on orders over $75, or sign up for Adventure Rewards (free to join) to get it on $50+ orders. Check out more Eddie Bauer Jackets here, or browse for some ideas below!
Eddie Bauer Women’s Fleece Jacket $28
Eddie Bauer Womens Quest Fleece Full-Zip Jacket
(available in 2 colors)
ONLY $28 (Reg $70)
Check this Zip Fleece Jacket too:
Eddie Bauer Women’s We Wander Zip Fleece Jacket
(available in 4 colors)
ONLY $39.60 (Reg $99)