• Walmart & Ralph’s fails 😆


    So I was suppose to get fetch points for both of the Kotex pads at Walmart because I had 2 of them on one account for 1,250 points but I think they had to be on separate receipts. I messaged customer service but I’m not sure if I will get points for the second one. I have 2 accounts for fetch I was suppose to make a separate transaction for the muscle milk so I could get 6,000 points back on fetch but I didn’t realize until I was already out of the store lol. My ralphs fail was small but the prime drink is suppose to be free from the app but instead it took off the $1 coupon they have and I paid .79 cents for it but I don’t feel like messaging customer service over 79 cents 🤣. This morning was hectic!

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    1. 1

      Update I did get my points from fetch for the pads 😆

    2. 0

      Thank you so much for posting this! I thought I was the only one who has had fails 🤣🤣🤣🤣 you’re not alone! 💙

      • 0.1

        I could not get over it this morning! 😆 I really need to plan out every little thing out or else everything is a mess lol. I also got the back to the roots soil but I didn’t pay attention to the size so I lost out on that deal too 🤣

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