All of these are on sale for $1 and $2 until July 19. I think these are new to Sprouts because I’ve never seen them before when I searched for them in the app.
Vital Proteins Collagen
-$2.40 Shopkick (600 kicks)
=FREE + $0.40MM
Vital Proteins Hydration
$3.40 Shopkick (850 kicks)
=FREE + $2.40MM
Vital Proteins Marine Collagen
$3.40 Shopkick (850 kicks)
=FREE + $1.40MM
Full disclosure, the receipt from Sprouts isn’t very descriptive so only the Marine Collagen went through initially. Had to submit a ticket for the other two and received credit for them. Well worth the $4MM IMO.
At Whole Foods,
Vital Proteins Collagen $1.99
Vital Proteins Hydration $1.49
My WF doesn’t carry the small packet of Marine Collagen.
Just checked the Shop kick app and the Vital Proteins are unclickable at Sprouts also. Only the Calm powder gummies is clickable at Sprouts and not at Whole Foods. You’re lucky you scored the Vital Proteins at Sprouts! 😎👝🛍
Another reason I might go to Sprouts. The receipt option for the vital proteins original is unclickable on my app for CVS and Whole Foods. So is the flavored collagen. Thanks for sharing these ‘hacks. ‘ Beats paying the $20 price.
Might have make the trip! Thank you Olivia!