Score Bearpaw Hiker Boots for a great price at HSN. They usually go for $69.99 and are now on sale for $49.99. Plus, for the first-time purchase, you can use the promo code HSN2022 and get $20 off, making the final price only $29.99! On top of that, you’ll get them shipped for free. Plenty of colors are available, check them out!
Bearpaw Hiker Boots
Bearpaw Hiker Boots $49.99 (Reg $70)
(6 colors available)
Use promo code HSN2022 ($20 off $40+ orders, first purchase only)
ONLY $29.99 (Reg $70) + FREE Shipping
If only they could make some that didn’t have to harm animals in the process. I’d be all over this
Just ordered one! I’ve been wanting some new hiking boots forever thank you!!
So happy you scored Lili!