• $5 Popcorn When You Bring Your Own Bucket at Cinemark (Today Only!)

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    Cinemark Bring Your Own Bucket Offer

    In celebration of National Popcorn Day, today January 19th, Cinemark is offering a you a scrumptious deal! Simply swing by any Cinemark location on the 19th and bring your own bucket or container and they will fill them with buttery popcorn to the brim for just $5! This is such a steal as you can get up to 400-ounce  which is equivalent to 2 XL popcorns.

    There is no criteria for the bucket so you can bring literally anything like a tote or bag plus purchase of ticket is not required to get this offer. For more details about this offer, click here!

    Cinemark Butter Popcorn in Different Containers

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    Join 18 Comments Here More Store Deals
    18 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      is this for November 19th?

    2. 0

      Says November ?

    3. -1

      Wow awesome! I love theater popcorn! Also, you put November and it’s January 19th!

    4. -2
      victoria.osullivan8511 :

      Here I come with my home depot bucket! 😁🤣

    5. -3

      The date is wrong it’s in January not November

    6. -4

      this was in Nov?

    7. -5

      January 19, not November.

    8. -6

      There’s a typo, it says November

    9. -7

      Wow! that’s great news they should keep it ON for any day. Not just for January 19.

    10. -8

      November??? 🤣🤣🤣

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